Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Frappalicious Friends...

 PSSST!!! Hey YOU!
Yea, YOU!
Come closer!!!!!
Just a little bit closer...
ok, are you ready for this????

Show your friend you care by nominating a friend on the Starbucks You Deserve A Frappuccino website and get a Free Starbucks Frappuccino! And you can nominate as many friends as you like:)
Thanks for sharing, Sisterly Savings...

HHMMMMM...who will I nominate....Who needs a frap real bad....

Let me know why you deserve a Frap and Ill send a nod your way...
If you have a blog, let me know...
I'll let my 9 other followers know about it...LOL! 
Inside joke...but I seriously wanna know about your blingy blog.

Happy Sunday my blog homeys..Peace out.


Jamie Lynn said...

This is so cool~ what a nice treat! Happy Sunday!

kELLO! said...

i gave you a thumbs up ;) maybe you'll get one!