Thursday, December 31, 2009

Winding Down....

This is it. 
2009 is quickly coming to an end in less than 8 hours.
Has this year flown or what!
This year has definately been one of CHANGE.  I usually love change.
As long as it doesn't require ME to change.  Who's with me????
Anyway, I was moving pictures to my EHD and got curious of all the pictures I had taken in the past year.  Its funny that I look back and quite frankly, NOT remember the event.  Oh, my poor 29 year old memory..(wink wink)
I have a good friend of mine who has started a blog that challenges each one of us to make our goal for 2010 in one word.  So, for the last few days, I have racked my brain of what would sum up what I wanted for this new year.  Finally, as I was cleaning my room last night, I came across my Dixie Chicks CD(Love their music and YEA! found my CD!).  The words on the CD said FLY(good album).  As I was delightfully distracted from cleaning and reading the words on the CD case, it struck me...Fly.  I felt so grounded this year, like stuck, that I wanted to breakout in 2010.  I didn't want to use breakout, because I didn't feel caged, just...paralyzed?  Maybe by fear?  Or failure?  So I said the word out loud, "FLY"  as to confirm it with the dust bunnies listening in.  It sounded good.  Really good.  Too good.   But my soul felt it. In every sense of the word, I felt it.   So I knew it was my theme for 2010.  F-L-Y...FLY.   So along with my photography blog, I will fill you in on what I "Fly" into...  Would you like to join?  Go here and take part in the Resolution Solution.                                              
So here's not the slide show I promised, but who wants to see a boring slide show?  We all got party's to head out to!!!  So, heres our family 2009 highlights in a spiffy collage. Some you've seen, some not...
Regardless, Have a wonderful New Year!!!



Dani said...

Isn't it funny how things just strike us sometimes?! I love that you chose fly. Flying is always an adventure, a taking of chance, a way to break barriers. Here's to flying together in 2010! I'm so excited that you joined me!

Janet said...

FLY-what a great word. I love your year in photos collage. So much fun!

I'm planning to step out of my comfort zone this year with my photography. It's taken me a long time to get to this point. But goodness, I turn 40 this year. Time's a wastin'. Time to make some things happen, right?

kELLY said...

i like yo word.
i remember having that cd in like 5th grade.
awesomme find! :)

Christie said...

Oh my gosh...we are twins....and I may have to steal this line from you someday...

"As I was delightfully distracted from cleaning and reading the words on the CD case..."


Mrs. C said...

Aw! We are soo much alike! Love ya peach twin!